On 19 May 2016, the foundation ceremony was held for the new office and administration building on the plot at the corner of Johannstraße and Roßstraße. The new building with 16 regular floors (22,000 m² of office space) and 2 basements was developed by “die developer“ and will be the new headquarters of L’Oréal. Completion is scheduled for late 2017. IQ Real Estate serves as project manager for this project.
Technical-economic controlling services for the airport hotel
Europahotel Baufeld 11.3 GmbH & Co. KG is erecting a hotel building in the new Gateway Gardens business quarter near the Frankfurt Airport. The building will have a total gross floor area of approx. 20,310 m², including 312 guest rooms, 110 car parking spaces in the underground car park as well as technical services areas and secondary areas. The hotel will be managed by the Hyatt group under the HYATT-PLACE brand. IQ was engaged by the banking syndicate led by DG HYP to perform technical-economic controlling services.
Metro Group Marathon 2016
Am 24.04.2016 war es wieder so weit. Mit zwei Teams war IQ beim diesjährigen Metro Group Marathon beim Staffellauf dabei. Der Lauf führte über die prachtvolle Königsallee mit Zieleinlauf auf der Rheinuferpromenade in der berühmten Altstadt. Bei 2691 Staffelteams belegte Team I Platz 1129 mit einer Zeit von 3:49:59. Team II belegte Platz 967 mit einer Zeit von 3:46:54. Wir gratulieren beiden Teams für die großartige Leistung und freuen uns auf 2017!
Topping out ceremony of the GHotel Essen
The topping out ceremony of the GHotel project in Essen Hachestraße was held on 28 April 2016. The hotel with its 174 guest rooms is scheduled to open for business in November. Developer and main contractor is the Van Wijnen group in Kleve; the building was designed by IAA Architekten of Enschede and the interior furnishings are being planned by Columbia Objekt of Hamburg. The hotel will be operated by the Bonn-based hotel chain GHotel hotel & living. IQ Real Estate supports the project with technical-financial controlling services.